My Current Go-To Self-Tanner Update ~ How Am I Liking It!?

by | Mar 22, 2018 | Beauty, Skin Care

Shop GoldenStar Beauty Self-Tanner And Extender Here! (Use KAITLYN10 for 10% off your purchase!)

Hey girlies! I am back with an update on my current go-to self-tanner, GoldenStar Beauty! I have used this self-tanner for a little over a month and I am more and more pleased every time I use it. Firstly, I 100% prefer the oil based spray tanners over lotion for a few reasons. I have found that when using lotions, it it very difficult to apply an even layer. I always end up having streaky/splotchy spots all over, and can never seem to get an even tan. I have also not been a huge fan of the way the lotion tanners smell. This might be an insignificant factor for some of you however, most of them have a chemical smell and It usually gives me a headache! GoldenStar Beauty uses all natural oils to make their tanners and extenders usable for sensitive skin and also gives you the health benefits that the oils (such as jojoba oil and many others) offers.

Moving on, I am going to mention the many pros and very little cons that come along with these tanners. Firstly, I am very impressed with how well these tanners fade. The tanner will begin fading within 4-5 days, but will fade very evenly without leaving awkward tan spots or streaks. Another pro is the way it dries without transferring onto clothes, sheets etc.. I normally tan right after I shower, and normally I would have to wait at least an hour before I could lay in the bed due to the tan transferring onto my sheets. Since using this tanner, I have not had this issue at all! The most that the instructions suggest to wait before dressing is 10 minutes however, I usually immediately dress and go to bed after applying without having tanner all over the place! Yay! Now to the very little cons. I will honestly say that it is a MUST that you moisturize right after applying. Sadly, this is an issue with every tanners and it can be tricky when applying to feet, knees, elbows, etc.. In the photo above,  I wanted to show y’all the results of not moisturizing.  In the second before and after picture, my left knee and foot was not moisturized and looks a little splotchy. To fix this, lotion these tricky spots right after the application and you will have a smooth, even tan just like my right knee and foot. The last con that I have noticed is the length of time that the tanner lasts. I would say that it is only lasting about 4-5 days before it fades. With this said, GoldenStar Beauty has come out with a solution! The tan extender is now available and will help your tan last soo much longer. They have also come out with a face tanner that I am eager to try!

If you are interested in purchasing any of these products, click here and feel free to use my code KAITLYN10 dor 10% off of your purchase!

Lots of Love, Kaitlyn


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