What Is Simply Stylish Blog Really About?

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Beauty, Fall, Fashion, Lifestyle, Spring, Summer, Winter

 Today’s post is going to be different which I am sure you could tell by the title. Over the last two years of blogging, I feel I have neglected to share the reality of being a fashion blogger. Specifically, the lack of focus for Simply Stylish. As you know, Simply Stylish is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog. However, that is kind of a general term, right? The neglect was not that I was keeping a secret, but that I did not have a clear picture of what Simply Stylish is. You see and hear the title “fashion, beauty, and lifestyle blogger” everyday on all Social media, and these titles have honestly become a go-to for a lot of people. Not saying that they are fake because most aren’t, but just stating the titles are a dime a dozen. I am sure that just like everyone else I became “just another fashion blogger.”

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Honestly, at times I have really have felt blended in the numerous amounts of fashion, beauty and lifestyle bloggers out there, and not in a positive way. About one year into blogging I really began to feel the pressure and separation within myself and everyone that I looked up to when blogging. Constant comparison, lack of motivation, and self doubt was, and still is a huge part of my everyday struggles. Within the first year, I felt at times that it wasn’t worth it to continue when all I did was put myself in a position to be similar to other bloggers and infulencers constantly. I did not have a clear focus of what Simply Stylish really is, nor what I have to offer that is strictly “me” until seriously about a week ago. I prayed HARD to find a focus with what makes my blog “true to myself” and relatable.  What God showed me was, while I was looking in “all” directions, there was one direction where I was avoiding. Myself. Y’all don’t even know the relief and kind of embarrassment  I felt when I had the “AH HA” moment of knowing that my blog Simply Stylish, is focused around my own inner struggles.

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After this epiphany, I jotted down lots of notes to express the direction that I am taking my blog now, and I am beyond excited to share each and every moment with you. Simply Stylish is about finding the simplicities in everyday fashion, beauty and the way of living. I seek to encourage women to develop their own style without overthinking, comparing, or having the fear of being unsuccessful. Trust me, this is an everyday battle of mine so don’t think you are alone! With every post going forward, I will be honing  in on the inner struggles that I as a blogger face, plus I as Kaitlyn faces — specifically being who God created me and all of you to be. As women I know we all have these uncertainties. I hope each one of you that is reading today continues to follow along so we can relate to each other. Blogging is not always what is looks like from the pictures, there are a lot of tears and heartache that goes into it as well, and I am ready to sharing the ups and downs of it all. In the end, there is only one of YOU and that is something to cherish and express! Kind of cheesy to say, but soo true!

Leave a comment below if you have certain topics related to comparison, lack of motivation, or any other struggles that you would like to see me post about!


Sweatshirt [Part of the #NSALE!] // Identical  Joggers  [Target] // Glasses

Lots of Love, Kaitlyn


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